
Monday, July 27, 2009

out of the box.

After millions of people have viewed the non-traditional dance down the aisle to the upbeat tune of Forever, it has made me think...
What are some out of the box moments that you had at your wedding? The young bride is edging more and more out of the traditional mold when it comes to weddings. They desire to make it their own and I for one am all for this! It makes me want to hear more stories of what YOU did on your own wedding day that was out of the box. 
So share away and while your sharing, soak in the memory of what made your day so special--just the two of you.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

laughter and tears

Have you seen this? Laughter turned into tears within moments, oh the personalities behind this couple are fantastic and so full of life!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Real Wedding:: Danny & Emily

Danny & Emily were married on a cloudy day at Riverview Island in Eau Claire on July 18, 09.

Since this was an outside wedding, I was praying all week that the rain would stand at bay and I was very relieved when it did! Even if the day was a tad chilly, it was better than rain! =)

Highlights of the wedding were too many to write but don't worry, I'll give you a peek at the ones that stood out the most...
Danny & Emily wrote their own vows. I personally love it when a couple writes their vows because to me, it personalizes the ceremony. I'm all about personalizing the ceremony as much as possible! It's your OWN, make it just that! Danny has an amazing gift of forming words and speaking elegantly, it was definitely a tear filled moment for many guests. They opted out of a unity candle and instead did a unity planting. I was excited about this, it has much symbolism in it. The planting and watering takes time and work for it to flourish but when it does, and the roots are grounded, it is a beautiful site.
As they walked down the aisle the guests lined them with small bubbles. It was magical.
Emily has a knack for the small details and her decorations at the reception site, the Metropolis Hotel, were very unique and cool! Instead of the traditional cake, they got an assortment of pies from Main St Cafe. They did an amazing job and the pies were a HUGE hit! I love when brides think outside the box and Emily was one of those brides which was a ton of fun for me!

Can you guess what their main theme of the wedding was?!

The pies sat on these tree logs that Emily & Danny cut up! It was so cool!

The baby bamboos that graced each table at the reception.

Emily & Danny--much love to you both!

[Did you guess the theme? Green! The colors were green and so were the decor--everything was environmentally friendly!]

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Welcome to my new blog!

Welcome to Elizabeth Anne Weddings-it's's fresh!
Okay, Okay I know you may be wondering: why are you changing your name from somethingblue? well...
I have been reading on branding & it struck me that a ton of people are associated with the name "Something Blue". Why do I want to be like other people? I'm simply not- I am who I am and have unique skills to offer. I desire to stand out! =)
I'm very excited about this new chapter and expect great things to come from it!
So, thank you to all my fans and supporters who have been there for me! I love you all so much!

Love, EA